KeresésIngyenes hirdetésfeladás

Készülékek a mobil telefonok kategóriában

Samsung L310

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 2012-07-12 00:47:10
I think text-entry input is something that is more of a netolvy then anything, and rather impracticle. In business for example, we need a reliable machine that is practice. We need to be able to send off a text message one handed and use our device to transport files and information. This just does not seem to achieve that. On the otherhand it is slightly pitched as the new Ipod but I certainly don't want mobile phone features with my Ipod, sure some form of IM and web browsing would be ideal, but certainly not being able to make a call with it. I have my phone, I sms with it, I call people, and that is all that I would want it to do, the same reason why WAP never really took off. Want the internet? Goto a computer of some kind, even if it is a PDA. Market penetration with this device will be minimal and the duration will be long. Watching the keynote I was informed that the service provider needs to implement features in their network for the features on the device to work, going worldwide with this device is going to be hard, or just won't happen. Those who would benefit most in my opinion with this new technology are teens as it seems to do everything that they want. Steve came up with a device with no evident target market? Seems more of a cool' device more then anything.All we want are songs and video, leave the phones up to motorola and nokia.
Összes hozzászólás: 1 db

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